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(299/308) 1899 - Ruby SideKick Plugin Parser reports syntax error on correct line

jEdit 5.4.0, Windows 7, Java 1.8.0, SideKick 1.8, RubyPlugin 0.9.5

I have a syntactically correct program (i.e. it is executed without problems using Ruby 1.9.5 and Ruby 2.3.3), but the RubyPlugin parser reports an error. The offending line is

LOG.if_verbose do |*_;parsz_str|

In the attachment, you see the error message. It seems that the parser doesn't like the semicolon in this line.

Submitted rovf - 2018-01-19 08:47:29.553000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2018-01-19 08:48:16.230000

I have added an attachment of the edit buffer, which also shows the line before and the line after the offending line.

capture_20180119_094315.jpg (10.1Kio)

2018-03-14 07:11:59.313000

Here is an other example, where an error is reported for a correct statement.

capture_20180314_081007.jpg (23.4Kio)

2018-03-14 07:12:29.350000

And this is the error message.

capture_20180314_081055.jpg (23.0Kio)